Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Holy vampires, Batman. It's been a loooooooong time since I last updated. So much for my "one post a week" mantra. Psht. I figured it wouldn't be long...

Anyway I have some excitement for you lovelies. I have a job! I'm helping to take care of my best friend's grandma, who, at the young age of 92, is recovering from spine surgery. It's a long road but she's a trooper. My job doesn't consist of much. I basically help her get up in the morning, do some exercises, cook her meals, make sure she doesn't fall, force her to take her meds and keep her company. There is a lot of downtime, since she sleeps a lot. I make pretty good money, which is great. I'm actually gonna miss the job when I move this fall, which brings me to the next piece of excitement...

...I still haven't figured out where I'll be living! Yay! Although I think I have narrowed it down to the beautiful motherland that is Michigan. Unfortunately this involves competing with a ton of other people for the, like, two jobs that are available. Maybe I can bribe Mrs. M to keep me on for the fall if they need someone. I could totally do that. I can study in the down time no prob. I do think that I want to journey northward. I'm sick of the hustle and bustle of the big city and ache for a slower pace. I feel my skin crawl at the thought of commuting constantly and never having time to enjoy the things in life. I guess this job has taught me a lot. I've become more patient and thoughtful. I also have a lot more respect for the elderly. They can accept death with such grace. I someday hope to be like them. I've learned from Mrs. H that life is short and that I need to make decisions that make me happy. That's why I've given up on the thought process that I thrive in the sprawling metropolis that is Detroit. I think that with my ever-rising blood pressure and ever-falling faith in humanity, a move will do me some good.

It's funny because just a few months ago Brian and I had talked about moving to Texas to start over. There were jobs in the Austin area that caught my eye. I rebeled, though. I wasn't ready to give up on my urban life and be born again in the country. Nowadays I crave the stars. It's like a drug to me. I'm only truly content if I can see billions of stars in the dark sky. It's my heroin...

But I digress. Next week starts an epic journey for me. (not really). I'm going camping with my mom's whole huge family. We'll be at Brighton State Recreation Area from Thursday [Wednesday?] through Sunday and I'm beyond excited.

I'm so far beyond excited that I've crossed the tracks into nausea. You see, Brian is meeting my family. All of them. And it scares the crap out of me. They're kind of vicious towards outsiders. Too bad for them. Brian's not going anywhere for a while. It'll be fun.

Plus I'll get to spend a weekend with him under the stars. What more could a girl ask for?

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