In other news, I'm attempting to find an apartment, confirm financial aid, schedule classes and save the world all within the next month. No wonder I'm so exhausted. You see, because I'm transferring to a school that's like, 18 billion times the size of Alma, things are run a little differently. For example, they don't assign you an advisor. No. Instead they leave you to find one. Not. Fun. I have never met anyone in their Spanish department in my entire life and I've been waiting for over a week to hear back from a professor. Hopefully he takes pity on me and helps me out. As for financial aid, well, my lady hasn't emailed me back either, and it has definitely been a week and a half. When are you gonna get back to me!? Double ugh. I know it'll work out in the end, but all this stress is making me grumpy. And Lord knows I don't do well when I'm grumpy.
Tell me, my dear invisible readers, what's going on with you? Use this canvas as a place to complain about whatever ails you. Are you moving in a few weeks? Looking for a job? Dealing with family? Let us know!
I happen to be very stressed as well. See, I have a very beautiful girlfriend and she means the world to me, but she trys to hard to be everyone's everything. I need her to be my everything, see... I'm supposed to be leaving for the military soon, to help make ends meet, and I'm too scared to show her how scared I am. She is my everything you see, and because of that, I want her to be the happiest she can be....