Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Figuring things out

I'm typically good at organization. I enjoy a fresh calendar or planner. Bleach wipes and storage bins get me hot. My dorm room was *spotless* compared to everyone else's rooms.

Except my room's not quite like this.

Alas, when I make the pilgrimage each year from Alma to good old Harper Woods, my organization drops itself off in St. Johns. I come home and drop all my crap in the basement (and take just a few things into my bedroom, adding to the massive heap that is nearly 22 years worth of crap.) For the first few days, I want to simply collapse and die. I would be incredibly exhausted and couldn't be bothered to even look at my school stuff. Over the course of the next couple of days I'd clean the bathroom or kitchen or do cooking or baking. I would be productive. Throughout the summer my motivation would crisp in the sun and go into hiding until the following fall (although it has been known to hibernate all year long, in some cases.)

This year is no different. Except someone just lit a small forest fire under my ass, trying to get it moving. Well, two people. Based on some unfortunate circumstances, my family is moving probably by Christmas. Only they don't know when. Or where. Or how. Therefore, when I move to Kent in the fall, all of my stuff will be coming with me. In the next couple of weeks, I need to go through said 22 years worth of stuff and pull out what is vital for my survival as a fully functioning adult creature. Do you know how hard that is? I have to sort through all my books, furniture, etc. and basically have a beauty contest to see who gets to move onto Stage Two. Can I get an "ugh!"

***Two hours later***

Oops. I forgot that I was writing this. Apparently I'm more ADD than I thought. I got distracted by...well, I have no idea since it was about two hours ago. But I do have some exciting-ness to share! I bought wash cloths for my new bathroom. Granted, I have no idea what color my bathroom is going to be, but it will have to match the shades-of-turquoise cloths I just bought.


Mine have turquoise with them, though. I got mine at Meijer for $0.50 more. Bah. Oh well. At least I'll be stylin'.

Now for more ADD stuff. In yesterday's post, I commented on how Brian has unofficially asked me to marry him and how I want to but don't know if I can. Well, I still don't have an answer for him. But I must admit that the thought of possibly having stability and a house (!) makes me weak in the knees. I love decorating. It would be really exciting to have something semi-permanent that I can call home. Ah. Being a grown up. Has it's ups, eh?

Dear readers, what's going on with you? Tell me something cool/exciting/interesting that's happened to you recently. It can even be as simple as buying new washcloths!

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